Frequently Asked Questions


Does acupuncture only treat pain? 

No, acupuncture can treat a wide range of conditions click here to see some examples of what it can be used for.

Is Acupuncture painful?

No, acupuncture's not painful. Many patients end up very relaxed to the point of even napping during treatments.

Can acupuncture treat my pain?

Yes, acupuncture is very effective at treating acute and chronic pain.

How long should it take for me to start feeling better?

Everyones condition is different and responds differently to treatments. where as someone can expect results in as little as a few treatments other require more treatments to achieve results.

how often should I be receiving treatments and for how long?

For acupuncture to be successful as possible, patients must receive consistent treatments as advised by the acupuncturist during their evaluation.

Is acupuncture safe?

Yes, when done by a certified/licensed healthcare provider. 

Is there any side effects accompanied by acupuncture?

No, but rarely you may feel an emotional release, lightheadedness, fatigue, and bruising.

Do You accept health insurance?

We accept most major medical health insurance, provided that you have acupuncture benefits included in your plan.

Do You Accept Medicare and/or Medicaid?

No, we do not accept any form of medicare or medicaid.


What kind of needles are used for treatment?

We use sterile disposable stainless steel needles.

What can i expect during my initial visit?

During your first visit I will ask you a series of question as well as look at your tongue and read your pulse. This will allow me to view what's going on with your body as a whole and better understand what is ailing you. 

Why do you look at my tongue and take my pulse?

The tongue and the pulse are a representation of your internal organs. It allows me to better understand what is going on in your body.

Does acupuncture involve only needles?

Technically acupuncture only involves needling, but we also use other adjunct modality to help heal the body such as moxibustion, cupping, and tui na.

What is moxibustion?

Moxibustion also known as moxa, is a form of heat therapy utilizing a dried plant burning it on or over the surface of the skin. It is a safe modality we use burn cream on top of the skin to prevent burns.

What is cupping?

There are two forms of cupping, fire cupping and suction cupping. Generally they work the same way, pulling on the skin drawing blood up to the surface. Fire cupping utilizes actual fire to be able to do this while suction cupping uses a mechanical pump method.



How Does Acupuncture Work?

As you may already know, acupuncture is the practice of inserting very fine needles into very specific areas of the body to aid the boys natural healing process and accelerate it. Tradiotioanal understanding of the procedure are based on philosophy of Qi, or the life energy of the body, and balancing one’s being. This philosophy is very similar to the ideas behind Western Medicine ideal homeostasis of the body. As Western medicine understands it, the idea of “Qi” is the energy and responses that flow through the nervous system of the body. This function in your body controls everything form hormones release, pain, pleasure responses, healing, and more. Acupuncture pinpoints these specific nerve clusters that can help the body’s self regulating mechanism kick back in.

Essentially, the treatment stimulates nerve tissues and connective tissues that can help rebalance specific systems. This aids with pain relief, reduction of any unnecessary inflammation throughout the body and promotes your body’s own response to relax itself.

What Conditions Can Acupuncture Help?

Depending on the medical tremens you’ve already received and your current condition, acupuncture had been recorded to aid the healing process and relieve symptoms of a variety of ailments. It can act as an additional supporting therapy for your current treatment plan, and it can be used individually deepening on your needs and specific ailments.